Thursday, May 17, 2007

How To Replace A Car Battery

The battery is considered as the "heart" of the automobile because it powers the starter, which in turn starts the engine. Once the engine is running, the battery stores and stabilizes the current that allows the electrical system to operate and to power the lights and other electrical components.

When all the jump-starting and recharging of battery still doesn't bring your car battery back to life, you will need to change your car battery. With these simple steps below, your car will be moving again in no time.


Check the battery

Locate your car battery in the engine compartment. Most batteries are visible and mounted in an easily accessible location in the engine compartment for inspection and service.

To make sure you car battery really needs a change, first, check the electrolyte level. If the fluid level is low, add some distilled water. Check the casing for any cracks or bulging. If it has cracks in it, it's time to change your car battery. Clean the terminal ends and the battery to get rid of any deposits as sometimes, sulfate may buildup, which corrodes the terminal. Put a solution of baking soda and water to scrub away the corrosion and your car battery. Your car battery may be fine after those cleaning. After cleaning and checking the battery, make sure all the connections are tight.


Purchase a new battery

Once you have checked and detemined that you need to change your car battery, go to a parts dealer or your mechanic and purchase the new battery recommended and rated for your car.


Remove the old battery

Before removing the battery, use a solution of baking soda and water to scrub away corrosion from the top of the battery and around the posts. Baking soda is a base, so it will neutralize the acidic deposits that have built up on the outside of the battery.

Then, use a wrench to unfasten and remove the battery cables from the posts. Remove the negative cable first, then the positive. Carefully lay the detached ends of the cables to one side, get a firm grasp on the battery and carefully remove it from your car.


Replace with the new battery

Put the new battery in the battery tray, reattach the cables and make sure each cables are connected to the proper sides, then screw on the bracket to make sure that the battery in held in place. Now you may start your car.


Recycle the old battery

Since your old highly toxic battery must be disposed, recycle it by taking it to an auto supply store or recycling center.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think first of all make sure that you car battery is damaged, when you are looking to replace your car battery and points you made is very interesting, did get good amount of information.
Replace Car Battery