Thursday, May 17, 2007

Anti Carjacking Tips

Carjacking is a violent, random form of auto theft where they use force or weapon to steal your car with you in it! A driver of any car can be a target of these carjackers, anywhere and anytime. No matter where you are, you are always at risk.

Here are some prevention actions to reduce your risk of being carjacked.

Be alert of your surroundings and look around when approaching your car in parking lots, especially at night as someone may hide and wait between cars. Always check your car especially the back seat area of your car before entering and lock your car once you get in. Though sounds unreasonable, but someone may be hiding in the back seat waiting for you.


If your car get hit or if someone drives alongside showing some signals asking you to stop your car, do not get out of your car immediately. Give signals to the driver to follow you and keep on driving until you reach a well-lit and crowded area. Better still, go to the nearest police station, then stop your car to check. It is less likely that someone will trap you in crowded areas or safe areas.


Keep your car keys separated from your other keys and always get your keys ready in hand when getting in.


If a carjacker demands your car or threatens you with a weapon, give up your car, get away as quickly as possible and contact the police immediately. Don't fight as it is not worth your life. After all, your car is insured and can be replaced but you can't be.


Be cautious while driving and always keep your car doors locked all the time and windows all wind up. Do not open your car door or window to strangers if you feel threatened.


If in danger or if someone tries to approach you while you are in the car, activate your car alarm or horn to create a commotion until the danger passes by.


When stopping at junctions or traffic lights be sure to leave enough space between your car and the car in front of you so that you can accelerate around and away from the car.


Avoid driving alone. If possible, travel with someone. Carry a mobile phone with you all the time in case of emergency.


Always keep your car well maintained to avoid breakdown. Ensure you have sufficient petrol especially when you're driving alone.

pic_dot If possible, keep torchlight, maps and first aid kit in your car.


If you think you are being followed, drive to a crowded area or drive to the nearest police station.

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